

If you want your diet to be healthier, then sugar is the first thing that has to go. The thing is, you can find sugar in most products, so it might be hard to get rid of it completely.

Kate Yakimchuk sugar healthy food nutrition healthy diet Cooking 21 January 2024

People who prefer eating healthily often try to stop eating candies completely, so they don't eat more calories than they should. While candies aren't exactly healthy, eating them from time to time can still be beneficial to your health.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food healthy diet mental health Cooking 18 June 2023

Lots of people crave sweet snacks from time to time, and some people even replace full meals with candies. While sometimes these candies don't even affect their normal calorie intake, such meals lack vitamins and nutrients, so you should try changing your habits and switch to healthier alternatives.

Kate Yakimchuk healthy food sweets healthy diet Cooking 13 June 2023