
washing powder

Using the right amount of detergent is crucial to ensuring that your laundry comes out clean and fresh.  If you're not using enough detergent, you might notice several signs that indicate your laundry isn't being cleaned effectively. 

Kate Yakimchuk washing tips laundry Helpful tips 22 August 2023
washing powder

If your washing detergent has gotten wet, it might clump together or become less effective.  The good news is that you can reverse this process, and make it effective once again.

Kate Yakimchuk moisture tips cleaning Helpful tips 15 August 2023
handwash bottles

While choosing the best cleaning detergents, it's important to look for safe but effective options. The effectiveness of cleaning detergents depends on several factors that contribute to their cleaning power. 

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning chemicals Helpful tips 4 August 2023

Have you ever wondered whether you use enough washing detergent to make your clothes clean? Or, in contrast, have you ever suspected that you use too much of it?

Kate Yakimchuk laundry cleaning Helpful tips 29 July 2023

Many people don't even think of how much detergent they use until they see their clothes still dirty or covered with detergent. Different situations require different amount of detergent, but how to use just enough?

Kate Yakimchuk washing machine laundry laundry mistakes Helpful tips 26 June 2023

Detergent is the key to quick cleaning. It should be suitable for the frame and clean the glass well.

Diana Dashkevich Windows cleaning advices Helpful tips 27 May 2023