

Scientists have found a new part of the brain that makes us feel very uncomfortable when it's turned on. This discovery suggests that a brain area called the subthalamic nucleus, known for controlling our movements, can also be linked to depression.

Kate Yakimchuk research brain Psychology 11 November 2023

Many dog breeds require dog clothes to stay warm and safe during cold and wet months. While most dogs dislike clothes in general, some clothes can be actually inconvenient or even painful to wear.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets clothes tips Animals 24 October 2023

Cats are pretty curious creatures - so lots of them would like the opportunity to explore everything once they got to their new home. Meanwhile, it can still be a pretty stressful experience to them - so it's up to you to make it comfortable for your pet.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats changes Animals 13 September 2023

Home is a place where you're supposed to relax and feel safe, but it's not always true. While lots of psychological problems can be related to this, your interior can also affect your mood when you're at home.

Kate Yakimchuk interior coziness mistakes House Design 28 July 2023

Interior design isn't just bout fashion or beauty - it's also about your comfort and well-being. Bad interior design can lead to mental health deterioration, so if you want to be happier and healthier, then you need to make good choices.

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes mental health colors House Design 9 July 2023