To the envy of the neighbors: add this to the hole when planting cabbage

20.04.2022 11:15

Cabbage is a valuable source of nutrients, but not every gardener has a high yield.

This article discusses one trick that will help increase the likelihood of getting a large harvest and get rid the plant of some diseases and pests.

Cabbage likes the soil pH neutral, even a little alkaline. Therefore, it grows poorly in acidified areas.

This is the most common cause of crop failure and the appearance of kila. Another feature of this plant is that it needs calcium.

If you think in advance how to provide favorable conditions for cabbage on these two points, then, most likely, the heads will grow large and healthy.

Foto: Pixabay

And ordinary eggshells will help in this. When planting seedlings in a permanent place, a small handful of eggshells is added to the hole.

It is a source of calcium and a good soil deoxidizer. The shell does not need to be crushed into powder, it will be enough to crush it into small and medium pieces.

There are three reasons for it.

Firstly, calcium will get into the soil gradually, as the pieces decompose, which will provide the plant with access to it for a long time.

Secondly, large fractions create the effect of loosening the soil, which is useful for the development of the root system.

Thirdly, large pieces of the shell create an obstacle for the bear, which likes to feast on cabbage roots.

You can also add ash or chalk to the cabbage patch. These two additives are also good deoxidizers, sources of calcium and potassium. 

The advice is suitable not only for white cabbage, but also for all types — kale, Peking, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource