What to bury under the cherry tree every spring so that there are no problems with the harvest: the trick of summer residents

14.04.2022 11:50

At least one cherry tree grows in every cottage.

What not to do with cherry berries – and jam is cooked, and frozen for the winter, and compotes are prepared, and stuffing for dumplings or just eaten fresh.

But the cherry tree does not always give a rich harvest of berries.

Sour, small and rotten berries on a tree are not uncommonly.

And the appearance of trees sometimes upsets: the trunks are unsightly, the branches are intertwined, the bark is pimply.

Foto: Pixabay

In order for the cherry to please with its appearance and harvest, you need to bury a few nails under the tree in the spring, and dig them out a month later.

Such a stabile "top dressing" can significantly increase the iron content in the soil, which will greatly benefit the tree.

The trunk of the tree will get stronger, the roots will better absorb useful trace elements from the soil.

If you do such a trick every spring, then there will never be problems with the harvest.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource