What to bury under a currant bush to get heroic berries: the neighbor will not tell about this trick

24.04.2022 09:15

In any suburban area there is a place for a currant bush. 

This is explained by the fact that the plant is not capricious, and the berries are saturated with vitamins. 

But not every gardener knows that it is possible to increase the harvest without problems and collect not small and sour berries, but large and sweet fruits. 

It's all about proper feeding.

You can forget about standard fertilizers at the same time. The fact is that potato peelings are considered more effective for currants. 

Foto: Pixabay

It is easy to use such a top dressing. 

It is necessary to pour the cleaning under the bush and bury them a little with earth. The waste will release a whole set of important elements into the soil.

For example, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to this, large and sweet currant berries will appear.

As the summer residents note, it is enough to use top dressing only once a year.

But at the same time, it is important that the procedure takes place in the spring, while the bushes are awakening and have not yet begun to release the first leaves.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource