

New research suggests that both before and after practicing new skills, individuals like violinists, surgeons, and gamers can benefit from physical exercise.  This also applies to anyone looking to enhance their fine motor skills. 

Kate Yakimchuk research exercising child development cognitive skills Psychology 26 January 2024

Starting kindergarten is a big deal for kids, and a new study tells us that how well they adapt during the first few months is super important for their success. Researchers discovered that kids who made a smooth transition in the first 10-14 weeks of kindergarten scored higher on tests for both school subjects and social skills at the end of the year.

Kate Yakimchuk research child development child behavior intelligence Psychology 26 January 2024

Our childhood plays a huge role for our development and further lives, and sometimes it affects pretty surprising parts of it. A recent economic analysis has revealed a significant link between conduct problems among kindergarten students and substantial societal costs, encompassing crime-related expenses, medical costs, and lost productivity in adulthood. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children Psychology 10 September 2023