

Most dog owners know that retractable leashes are for small and sometimes mid-size breeds only - these leashes are not that strong. Meanwhile, these retractable leashes actually have plenty of benefits you should also remember about.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs Animals 29 October 2023

While dog owners are used to different types of leashes, lots of people overlook the benefits of using harnesses. Though they aren't suitable for all dogs, they can be quite beneficial and way more convenient for some breeds.

Kate Yakimchuk pets harness comfort dogs Animals 27 October 2023
retractable leash

People who own huge dog breeds know that retractable leashes aren't the best for them - they are simply too weak and not reliable enough. Meanwhile, retractable leashes can actually be quite beneficial for some types of dogs, so it's better to have one.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs choosing Animals 13 October 2023
spitz on a leash

Big and small dog breeds require different leases - not only in terms of length and strength, but also different types of it. It happens because different breeds pull and behave differently - that's why some types of leashes are not reliable for big breeds.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets tips Animals 10 October 2023
cat leash

You can walk your cat on a leash, although it's important to approach this activity with patience, preparation. It also requires an understanding of your cat's individual personality and comfort level. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats Animals 4 September 2023
dog owner

Leashes come in various types, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.  While convenience can be subjective and depend on individual preferences, some types of leashes are generally considered less convenient for certain reasons.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs Animals 1 September 2023