

There is always a lot of controversy around pork. It is important to know the benefits and harms of meat.

Diana Dashkevich pork health facts nutrition facts Cooking 28 May 2024

Chicken and slaves are healthy foods that are suitable for diets. In this article, we will tell you which foods are healthier.

Diana Dashkevich food nutrition fish chiken health facts Cooking 11 April 2024

Many people have heard that red meat is harmful to the body. In this article, we will tell you exactly why red meat can be harmful to health.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts nutrition nutrition facts Cooking 1 April 2024

Everything should be in moderation. In this article, we will tell you why excessive amounts of meat in the diet are harmful.

Diana Dashkevich health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 29 February 2024

Duck meat is rich in proteins, beneficial minerals and vitamins. This is meat that has no cholesterol at all, like pork. Duck meat has a recognizable taste, which is perfectly emphasized by sour (apple, cranberry) or citrus (tangerines, oranges) notes.

Diana Dashkevich cooking healthy food health facts Cooking 21 January 2024

Drying involves a fairly long process - from 24 hours, during which the meat is fermented and acquires the taste of the finished product.

Diana Dashkevich beef health health facts nutrition facts Cooking 16 January 2024

The consistency of rabbit meat is tender and soft after cooking. Many people compare the taste of rabbit meat to duck or chicken. Rabbit meat goes well with sweet and spicy sauces on a light base.

Diana Dashkevich food cooking healthy food nutrition facts Cooking 16 December 2023

Jamon is a pork ham that undergoes a salting process followed by drying under special conditions; the ripening process can last from 6 months to three years. One of the basic rules for cutting jamon is to cut it thin. This allows you to fully reveal the taste and aroma of the delicacy.

Diana Dashkevich ham healthy food health food facts Cooking 12 December 2023

The product tastes salty, the meat is tender and juicy. Its thin stripes intersect with stripes of lard.

Diana Dashkevich bacon vitamins healthy food food facts Cooking 11 December 2023

Beef meat contains many useful ingredients necessary for the development of our body.

Diana Dashkevich beef food healthy food food facts Cooking 5 December 2023

If you don't have time to cook proper meals, then you can use sandwich spreads to feel full and quite happy. Meanwhile, home-made meat spreads for sandwiches are way healthier and also tastier than the ones that you can buy.

Kate Yakimchuk meat spread cooking tips food ideas Cooking 5 December 2023

The jerky has a savory but not harsh flavor with distinct notes of coriander.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food health Cooking 4 December 2023

Cooking a perfect steak can be a form of art on its own, and lots of people have their special secrets and tips on how to do it right. When cooking steaks, you should know some general rules that can help you keep its tender and juicy texture.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking meat cooking tips steak recipe Cooking 30 November 2023

Turkey meat is very tender in taste and contains little fat. The color of the meat is pinkish-cream with a reddish tint. The white meat found in a turkey breast makes up about 30% of the bird's edible portion.

Diana Dashkevich health nutrition Cooking 27 November 2023

One of the main Thanksgiving dishes is turkey - it's delicious, nutritious, and usually it's relatively easy to cook. If you haven't cooked turkey before, then it might be hard for you, because you have to achieve a perfect balance of moisture and flavor.

Kate Yakimchuk Turkey food recipe holidays Cooking 25 November 2023

Organ Meats are the internal organs of an animal, which in nutritional value are not inferior to meat or even superior to it. They are fried, baked, boiled and stewed to prepare hearty main courses, appetizers, and rich soups.

Diana Dashkevich food cooking health Cooking 24 November 2023

If you want to add a bit of Swedish vibe to your diet, or you just want to cook something new, then try cooking meatballs! They are easy to cook, and they are simply delicious - especially if you know some tricks on how to make them better.

Kate Yakimchuk meatballs recipe cooking food Cooking 23 November 2023

When cooking cutlets, you should use good minced meat - that's the basic thing that can make them tasty. If you don't make minced meat by yourself, then you can always buy it - but how to choose the best meat?

Kate Yakimchuk cutlets food choosing Cooking 23 November 2023

Lamb is suitable for connoisseurs of “wild” meat: deer, wild boar, rabbits, ducks, etc., as it has a unique rich meat taste.

Diana Dashkevich health food Cooking 18 November 2023

When you cook meat, it's easy to cook way too much at once and not be able to eat it on time. To make sure your meat is fresh and safe, you should store it correctly, so you can eat it later.

Kate Yakimchuk storage tips Cooking 16 November 2023