

Compulsive overeating is dangerous for both physical and mental health. It is important to remember some rules.

Diana Dashkevich food health health facts Cooking 27 May 2024

Overeating is an annoying problem that many people face. In the article we will tell you, what overeating is usually associated with.

Diana Dashkevich food health facts nutrition facts nutrition Cooking 12 March 2024

When stressed, people can develop different relationships with food. While it's usually based on their personality and experiences, it can also be affected by the type and reason of their stress.

Kate Yakimchuk nutrition facts hunger hormones appetite stress Cooking 23 January 2024

When counting calories, lots of people tend to miscalculate the number of calories they consume daily. It's not like they're bad at math – some calories are just hidden, and people often forget about them.

Kate Yakimchuk calories healthy food body weight nutrition Cooking 19 January 2024

For most people, portion control is the best way to make sure they don't eat too much, and it works perfectly for them. Meanwhile, some people can't imagine their life being tied to scales and measuring cups, and they also underestimate how much they eat daily.

Kate Yakimchuk portion size portion control food dieting Cooking 5 January 2024

If you tend to eat to calm down when you're stressed or nervous then it might affect your mental and physical health a lot. Meanwhile, people with eating disorders can't always understand which one they are experiencing at the moment.

Kate Yakimchuk emotional eating healthy food hunger nutrition Cooking 4 January 2024

It's important to keep your sleep patterns stable not just because it's healthy and productive - they can also affect your diet a lot. While some people can't notice these changes at first, they can add up and change the way you eat completely, and usually for the worse.

Kate Yakimchuk sleep patterns healthy diet food tips Cooking 22 December 2023

When you're stressed or tired, you might overeat when you're not even hungry - and sometimes it's hard to stop it. One of the best ways to fight this habit is to switch to a healthy diet, but how can you do it?

Kate Yakimchuk compulsive eating healthy food dieting nutrition Cooking 1 December 2023

If you have a habit of overeating whenever you're stressed, bored, or both, then it might be compulsive overeating. This problem can vary in different people, so if your problem isn't too harsh, then you might try coping with it on your own.

Kate Yakimchuk dieting habits tips Cooking 22 November 2023

A new experiment shows that kids as young as 4 tend to eat 79% more calories when they're bored. The experiment is the first to actually investigate how much more kids eat when bored.

Kate Yakimchuk research children food boredom Psychology 12 November 2023

If you feel anxious or sad, and your first instinct is binge eating, then it's time to find solutions for that problem. Overeating is a pretty widespread issue, and that's why nutritionists have made a list of foods that can help.

Kate Yakimchuk nutrition food Cooking 28 October 2023

Lots of people mention that their appetite changes when they're  stressed, upset, or depressed - it's a pretty common thing. While some people basically can't eat when something is wrong, others tend to overeat, trying to cope with their feelings.

Kate Yakimchuk appetite stress nutrition Cooking 27 October 2023

The perfect volume of food for one portion can vary based on the type of food, individual dietary needs, and personal preferences.  However, there are some general guidelines and considerations to help determine an appropriate portion size for a balanced and healthy meal.

Kate Yakimchuk food meals dieting Cooking 16 August 2023

Intuitive eating is an approach to eating that emphasizes listening to and honoring your body's natural signals of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction.  It promotes a healthy and balanced relationship with food, focusing on internal cues rather than strict diets or external rules. 

Kate Yakimchuk dieting health intuition Cooking 15 August 2023
stomach issues

Hunger, stress, and excess weight are tightly connected - but now we know even more about this connection. In a series of groundbreaking experiments, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the impact of stress on appetite in both obese and lean adults. 

Kate Yakimchuk eating habits stress research obesity Psychology 26 July 2023
kitchen scale

If you want to consume fewer calories, then you need to know how much you actually eat - but it can be exhausting to count them every time, especially when you're not home. Managing portion control and avoiding overeating can be achieved without weighing your food every time. 

Kate Yakimchuk portion size portion control healthy diet Cooking 24 July 2023

Excess body weight is actually connected with lots of mental issues, but not in the way you probably think. A groundbreaking study by the Complexity Science Hub and the Medical University of Vienna has revealed a significant link between obesity and mental disorders across various age groups. 

Kate Yakimchuk depression research mental health obesity Psychology 21 July 2023

Distinguishing between hunger and boredom can sometimes be challenging, as both feelings can trigger similar cues and sensations.  However, there are strategies you can employ to better understand whether you're truly hungry or simply bored.

Kate Yakimchuk hunger boredom eating habits Cooking 16 July 2023

If you're a person who prefers to go shopping more often, then you probably think that might lead to buying treats more often and therefore overeating. It actually doesn't work like that all the time - you still can have control over how much food you consume.

Kate Yakimchuk groceries shopping eating habits healthy diet Cooking 10 July 2023

Lots of people start living on their own in their student years, and that's when some new eating habits are usually formed. A new study claims that people who have unhealthy eating patterns and habits tend to have more eating disorders later in life.

Kate Yakimchuk eating habits research healthy diet Cooking 8 July 2023