

Robophobia is expressed as an obsessive fear or hatred towards any robotics, regardless of how advanced the technology is. Be it a humanoid robot or a bionic prosthesis.

Diana Dashkevich fun facts fears mental health Psychology 25 December 2023

A recent study has uncovered an intriguing revelation: people can become adept at using additional robotic arms just as effectively as partnering with someone after a mere one-hour training session. The study dives into the potential of supernumerary robotic arms, which are supplementary robotic limbs designed to aid individuals in tasks that necessitate more than the standard two hands.

Kate Yakimchuk research limbs brain adaptation Psychology 5 November 2023

Innovation aims to improve lives, and one exciting breakthrough is the use of robots to assist children with learning disabilities. A professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Waterloo emphasizes the potential of using robots in public education and their great positive impact on students.

Kate Yakimchuk research learning children Psychology 1 August 2023