

When your self-esteem is really low, then most tips that "you should love yourself" won't work – or will they? Improving your self-esteem is a long, hard journey, and it requires lots of power and dedication.

Kate Yakimchuk self-esteem therapy thoughts help Psychology 4 January 2024

Most people claim that you should always love yourself no matter what, but for some people, it's generally not that easy to do. For example, self-hatred can be a real problem that affects your worldview, decisions, and how you take care of yourself.

Kate Yakimchuk mental health therapy thoughts optimism Psychology 4 January 2024

Some people prefer to change due they love themselves, others strongly dislike who they are. Both self-love and self-hatred can potentially serve as motivators for change, but they have distinct effects and implications.

Kate Yakimchuk personality self care self-love mental health Psychology 23 July 2023