

When choosing main and accent colors for their interior designs, people often use bright and clean shades – and they often ruin their designs. While professional designers often use bright colors too, they tend to choose different shades, so their designs look generally better.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips color choice style mistakes House Design 28 January 2024

Most garden plants love sunlight and require at least 3-4 hours of it daily, but some plants dislike direct sunlight at all. Moreover, if you want to turn your garden into a recreational zone, then you need to add some shade.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 16 November 2023

Colors are essential when creating a special mood or atmosphere in your house. Even the tiniest details like warm or cold shades can change the look of your bedroom completely, so you should choose them carefully.

Kate Yakimchuk colors bedroom interior House Design 14 November 2023
lamp shade

A creative lamp shade can be an amazing decoration for your interior. The best thing about lamp shades is that you can make them by yourself - just collect the best materials!

Kate Yakimchuk lamp DIY ideas interior House Design 10 October 2023

There are combinations of shades that will never go out of style and will always look good. In the article we will tell you which color combinations for the interior look more advantageous, and how they differ.

Diana Dashkevich colors interior tips House Design 29 April 2023

Trends change every year. You will love this year's trends if you are a lover of calm and natural shades.

Diana Dashkevich interior colors trends House Design 6 April 2023